Sea urchin fishing with Fabio

To see my Fabio fishing for sea urchins, it's happening here via my Youtube!


He lives on Tierra Bomba Island. Traquilo Fabio. He won't die of stress, we kinda envy him. In the morning, he leaves early at sea to fish for oysters. He then crosses the island to go to the Blue Apple Beach Resort, where tourists will surely be interested in tasting his catch.

Oysters are tiny. Served with hot sauce and lime juice. The oysters are especially the best I have eaten in my life!! Myyyyyyyyyyyyy god!!!!

The fact that they are small makes them so pleasant in the mouth. Their taste is delicate and is just perfect with condiments.

Fabio was very insistent that I taste his oysters for free. I understood why. Afterwards, it's impossible not to want to buy some!

Fabio also goes sea urchin fishing every day. Dangerous activity that requires caution and a little experience. Here's how we do it.

I would like to thank Fabio with all my heart for his time and generosity. I hope to be able to return to enjoy even more fishing time in his company.

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